
Hey Dad! How are you? I'm doing well and the work is going well in La Mira! We had two baptisms on Saturday of Ana Maria and Hose Luis. They are a couple that had never been married. They were married on Friday, baptized on Saturday and confirmed on Sunday. The wedding was actually really beautiful. The baptism was really nice and the confirmation as well. Jose Luis was also ordained to the Aaronic priesthood in the office of a priest.
I have been going well. I can't believe little Marin is here already! She looks exactly like Max! She is so cute and dark! She doesn't really look like Jen does she? I am excited for General Conference. It's different here, because to go to the priesthood session, we're gonna go to a city 2 hours away! it'll be good to go with the men in the ward, and to know them a little bit better. We're all gonna pack in their cars to go to Zihuatanejo, Guerrero and listen to the Prophet!
My companion's little sister was baptized yesterday! He has a family that is part member. The members of his family that are members are his step dad and sister. But they're inactive right now. His Mom and other sisters aren't members. He's a great guy and a great missionary.
Today was the preparation day. We washed and read and studied and wrote. It rained a whole bunch today too. It's kind of weird how it rains here. It'll rain about 20 minutes really hard, and then the clouds will leave and the sun comes out and it's all normal again! But when it rains at night, there is so much lightening. It's really cool.
The people here are really good people. They are either really Catholic or really Jehovah Witness! If they're not in that group, they're just believing and don't really do much religiously. But all them are really good and loving people. They'll give you food and water and will listen to you just to not hurt your feelings. Really the work is new here in La Mira. The members tell me that the people were scared of the missionaries when they first came to the area. This religion is really new here.
I am glad that Ana Maria and Jose Luis were baptized. Jose Luis is a little joker. He likes to laugh and tease me, especially because I'm a gringo and don't understand the half of his jokes. He doesn't really like to talk about spiritual stuff, but he told me that he feels good. Ana Maria said she feels content and happy, like she's really accepted the true Holy Ghost in her life. They're good people and very humble!
I love you Dad. Congratulations for being a new Grandpa again! Tell Mom the same! Russ