
Hey Mom and Dad!
Conference was really good. I enjoyed it allot. It was awesome because we had a lot of assistance from our ward, La Mira. I was proud of our members. I also enjoyed or because we had an investigator come, names Mario. Sometimes he works nights, and that was the case on Saturday night, the 3rd. He entered at 7 at night and left work at 7 in the morning. We had previously planned on meeting at 9:30 on Sunday halfway between where he was and where the chapel is. We were there at 9:30 but he never showed up. After about a half-hour we decided to go to the chapel. When we got there, he was waiting outside of the chapel in his uniform, having come from his work and not having slept in a long time. He didn't pay any attention at all to the conference, because he was SLEEPING, but what counts is that he went. He accepted a baptismal date for the 18th. Pray for Mario that everything goes well.
Also, Antoniao, a member that was inactive that barely started to go to church again, brought his investigator nephews to the priesthood session. They went two hours away to watch the priesthood session in a city called Zihuatanejo, and got back home at midnight. We're gonna invite them to be baptized tomorrow.
I really liked Elder Hales talk about God. Also the talk about love by President Uchtdorf. Like you Mom, I enjoyed the talk by Elder Holland. He always talks really powerfully.
What hit me most is that we were repeating history really here in Mexico. The ancestors of these people had once gone and heard the Prophets speak before, and had even seen Christ. I was witnessing the fulfilling of the prophecies of Lehi and Nephi and other prophets in the Book of Mormon. These people little by little are going to return clean and pure and simple!
Ana Maria and Jose Luis are doing fine. Jose Luis went to the morning conference on Sunday and liked it. Ana Maria had to work on Sunday. It is actually a long story. She and her daughter, Magdalena, had committed to work on Saturdays and Sundays because they had been looking for work for a really long time, and they don't have any money. Elder Soriano and I Taught them about the Sabbath. We exercised our faith. About fifteen minutes later we found one of our other investigators, Rub. She told us that she was looking for someone to watch her kids while she works. It was perfect how it all worked out. God blessed us and them so that they don't have to work on Sundays. They worked this past Sunday, but they aren't gonna work on Sundays from here on out.
Emotionally and spiritually I'm getting better. I've noticed a pattern. I'll feel good for about a week and then I'll feel down for two. Each week when I'm feeling food, the good feelings are getting stronger. Every two weeks in which I am feeling down, the bad feelings are getting worse. It's kind of a roller coaster ride.
I love you all. Tell everyone that I love them, especially to Aunt Midge. Gosh, that came out of nowhere! How did they find out that she has Parkinson's disease? Were there signs, or did it just hit her?Gosh, tell her that I love her. Thanks Mom and Dad. Give Marin a hug for me.