
Hey Mom and Dad!
I'm glad you were able to go to conference and spend some time with Sterl! I miss being with you guys at conference time! I have so many good memories.
I'm happy it's cooling down there in Mesa. Here it is still HOT!!! It has cooled down a little bit but not much. It's still pretty darn hot. I guess to grow mango and coconut here it's got to be pretty hot. Here, everyone is sweaty. Really no one cares about sweat. I'm practically always wet! Some people carry little towels around to wipe the sweat off.
This week was a good one. Mario, our investigator, is progressing well. He's about 30 years old, and is single. He lived in the U.S. for about 7 years and speaks English well. I met him when we were getting into the public transportation. We started to talk in English, and from there we lost contact. But we found him again, and we set up an appointment to go to his house. Turned out that he lived one street away from us. He is a great guy, and wants to change. He's going to be baptized on the 24th.
We found a woman when we were contacting, door to door,. Her husband didn't want anything to do with us, but she accepted the invitation to go to church and to listen. We taught here and she listened very well. At the end of the lesson she told us that she had dreamed about us, especially me. She told us that she was us in a beautiful field, like a golf course. She said I was standing near a little lake with a book in my hand. She is a good person. She ended up not going to church because, I believe her husband persuaded her not to go. But that dream she had is interesting.
My companion is going well. We get along pretty well. He's understanding and helps me out with some of my problems.
You need to meet some of the people here in Mexico, and hear some of their stories. A lot of people here could write a book!
Sorry to hear about Aunt Sharon. So how long has she had that tumor? I hope everything goes well with her. I am glad you got to spend some time with her and her family.
I'm doing well. I haven't gotten your box yet, but I'm sure it's waiting in the mission offices.
I love you all. Give everyone a hug from me!