
Hey Mom and Dad! I wasn't able to talk to Doctor Morgan this past week. I had to go on divisions with other elders and we didn't connect. This past while I've been feeling better. I've been feeling more optimistic. I've been learning allot!
Our little ward is progressing a little bit more. We have counselors in the Bishopric now and the new members are starting to work! Yesterday, the Stake President came to our Sacrament meeting and canceled Sunday School so that we could go out and visit the inactive members, and if possible, bring them to church. People can go inactive so easily, and especially here where there isn't much money. Allot of people don't have enough money to get to church!
The work is a little slow still. But it's all good. It's going well. On Saturday, Ana Maria is gonna get baptised. She is a humble woman who wants to be closer to God. Her husband is going to be baptized on the 3rd of October. He's an awesome person. He really likes to joke and relax, but he also is sincere. They are so poor! They don't have money, and Jose Luis is looking, but not finding. I read them Jacob 2:18-19 and told them they need to involve the Lord in all of this. It's hard in this area because no one has work! They're all pretty poor.
Ana Maria and Jose Luis are gonna get married on Friday! We all walked down to the civil register to see if they could buy their birth certificates. It's a long process. So, they are gonna get married Friday and on Saturday Ana Maria is going to be baptized.Ana Maria and Jose Luis are parents of members that were inactive. But we found them when our ward had a reactivation activity. Good humble people, and they are going ti church again! Their daughter Magdalena was baptized, but never confirmed, so we might end up re-baptizing her, if we don't find her church records. Her boyfriend Antonio was also inactive, but is now going to church. He was really active when we went to church, but for some reason he stopped going. He really likes church now, and told me it was his goal to have Jose Luis get baptized. Good person!
It hasn't cooled down much! It's still pretty darn hot! But it's okay, it's gonna purify me. When it rains here, it is pretty cool. I've never heard thunder so loud in my life!
Our investigator Brenda, didn't get baptized on Saturday. She says she feels pressured, and wants to know more, to go to church more. She also said she would like to be baptized in the beginnings of October. So we re-set her date for the ninth of October. She didn't go to church yesterday, so pray for Brenda.
Yesterday, three investigators went to church. Two of them were Ana Maria and Jose Luis, but the other was a young teenage girl. She went with one of her friends from school. Her mom doesn't want her to go to church or to be baptized, but we're gonna talk to her about it!
I am doing well. Tell everyone that I love them. Tell Jen that I love her. I wrote her and told her to not worry! I can't wait to see pictures of little Marin! I love you both! I have taken more pictures! I will send them to you when I get a chance. I'm gonna write to the grandparents! (and I haven't gotten the box that you sent me).
Love, Russell