
Hey Sterl! How are you? I'm glad you're dating someone! I'm excited for you to start your own family and a new life and all that stuff! How are your studies going? I am doing well. The area is hard, it's hot and it's easy to get frustrated. But I really like this little area. The people just don't understand sometimes. The people here are generally more open sexually. There are a ton of young girls that are pregnant, and they;re only 13 to 15. The economy is tough. There isn't work. The people aren't focused on God, they're focused on the temporal things of life. It is hard. Then add to all of that, the ward is horribly divided. There is a lot of pride. The only person that can change there heart is God. I've tried my best in my own circumstances to help.

The last couple of days I've been sick. I've been throwing up and I've had diarrhea. I haven't eaten since Sunday! But i am good. The doctor told me to not eat solid food, only liquids. I don't know what it is that I have. It is pretty gross, but I am getting better. Thanks Sterling, for your support! Love Russell