
Hey Mom, I am doing well. I sent you a message last week. I am wondering if it didn't get through or if something weird happened. My companion and I went to the beach today We've gone there to proselyte and visit members, but we've never gone to walk and explore a little. It was really cool, I took a lot of pictures.
While we were walking on the beach we found a sting ray, and a bunch of dead puffer fish and some of them were still inflated. I took a bunch of pictures. We walked to where there is a sunken ship. It was pretty sweet. It looked pretty old. The beach that we went to is called Playa Azul. It was nice to get away from everything and walk on the beach. I felt relaxed. We got sun burnt pretty bad. My companion got burnt worse than I did, which is weird because he is the Mexican!
This week was kind of hard because we found really good people, but they fell. One of them is called Felix. He is an ex-narc, or ex-drug-trafficker. He''s told us some of his stories. He's been in California, and in Reno Nevada selling and trafficking drugs. He told me he has spent sometimes a million dollars a day. He was horribly addicted to drugs too, but about a month ago he found the strength to leave the drugs. He dais he's been praying and he has felt really good when he prays.
We taught him the restoration and the Book of Mormon, and he really liked it. The next day he accepted baptism after reading 3 Nephi 11. The next day his cousin came to his house when we were there and we taught his cousin. His cousin put a bunch of stupid ideas in his head about the Book of Mormon and prophets, and he lost that simple faith that he had. His cousin is a little punk. He's one of those people that really doesn't believe in God, he just likes to fight. I wanted to punch him in the face. I don't like proud people, especially proud Catholic Mexicans (ha, ha). Felix says now that he would be baptized, but only to follow through with his commitment that he made with us to be baptized. He says he wants to read the Book of Mormon before his baptism His pride came back, and he has lost his faith. Gosh, I was pretty upset with his cousin.
A lot of people here in La Mira are really afraid of commitment. Also, a lot of people here are a little bit undeveloped socially, but at the same time, they're a worldly people. They like their beer, their coconut and their hammocks. They are really good people at heart, but they just can't leave the world.
I have eaten some more weird stuff since I've been here. The other day some members invited us over to armadillo. It was pretty good. Felix, the investigator, invited us to eat turtle, the kind of turtle that gets really big from the ocean. His wife showed us the head and everything. It was really good. I liked it a lot. We also are turtle eggs, raw. That was weird. i am going to eat everything when I get back! Tell Scott hi! I hope he is doing well home! I love you Mom, Russell