
Hey Dad! I actually feel really good today. I've been able to relax a little bit. A lot of my problems come because I feel like the whole world is against me. I really don't know why, in my head I know that I have a family that loves me, a God that loves me, but I feel nervous, pressured and worried sometimes.
I am still in La Mira, they didn't transfer me. We're going to work more with the Bishop and his counselors. Right now there hasn't been much organization in the ward. It's alright though, you've gotta start somewhere. We're gonna help them to get organized and help us with the missionary work.
A woman came to church yesterday named Anna Maria. Her daughter is a member, but inactive. On Saturday we had an activity of reactivation. Some members went to the house of Anna Maria and asked her if she would like to go to church. She is not married to her spouse, and her spouse is catholic and doesn't really want to get married.
We're going to work hard to get people to the church. The assistance at church is low. We need to get the assistance up so people get animated! Then they will be able to build a little chapel here in La Mira.
The people here are good people. They love to give us rides and water. It's a little bit more worldly here on the coast. I don't know why but it seems like the coasts are always a little bit more open sexually. There are quite a few young girls that are pregnant. It's kind of a combination of indigenous people and a new technology culture. It's interesting to see dirt poor people in houses of wood and metal laminate for a roof that have a T.V. and cell phones. I don't know how or why, but they do it!
Gosh, I hope Grandma is okay. That's too bad she had a stroke. Is she able to move freely and talk still? How bad was the stroke? How is Grandpa doing? I am sorry to hear that Brother Lyons passed away. That's a big loss.
So Jen's ready to pop? I can't believe she's gonna have a little girl. It seems like Max was just born! So what's going to be Marin's full name? Little Max is so cute! He looks allot like Jen and Emery.
How is Alyssa's medication working? Is she doing better? How's Adam? Where is he working? Tell her that I love her and to keep going on! Is Sterling engaged yet? Is he dating anyone seriously? I need some pictures from him! I need to see how he's doing!
I am doing good, Dad. I feel more optimistic today. Everything depends on our state of mind, on how we think, for our thoughts eventually effect our actions. I feel like I try sometimes to think positively, or to change my way of thinking, but I just can't.
How is your calling going? Is Elder LeSueure doing well? How is there are where you are serving? How is the ward and stake doing? Have any new members been baptized in our ward? Are any of the priests in the ward getting ready for the mission? What is going on with Butch, Jason Hartman, Stephen Phelps, and Golden? They should be getting ready or gone by now, right?
I love you Dad. Russell