
Hey Dad!
How's Elder LeSeuer? How's the work going there in Arizona, or in the zone that you are over?
It sounds like you had fun on the 4th! Hows Adam? Have you gotten to spend some time with him? How is he? Is he a good provider? How does he treat the kids?
How are Caralynn and Braeden and Remmy and the other little guys?
I still haven't met my mission president. We're going to a city called Zihuatanejo to meet him. It's about two hours away. I'm excited to talk to him. He sounds like a great person. His name's Alin Spannaus, from Argentina.
We really have been having hard times here in La Mira. We're trying to work and be obedient. We tract and look and search, but really no one has been receptive. And the people that are receptive do not accept a baptismal date in three weeks. They want more time, which is understandable. I think it's probably just because my faith is weak. Sometimes after hours of contacting, I just don't feel the desire. A lot of people lie, and say they're going to go to church with us, but when the morning comes they aren't there, or they're asleep, or something! It's been more difficult here to bring people to church. They're a little bit lazy, and dis-animated. But it's all good. Maybe our job here is to just plant seeds.
Dad, thank you for always being a good example and being diligent. Example is SO important. Example is also contagious. If one person does something, usually other people follow. Thanks for always being good. How's Daniel? Have you gotten to spend some time with him? Man, sometimes all a person needs, no matter how stubborn, stupid, or foolish he is, is some quality time. Just time to relax and build a relationship between you and him. Maybe that's what he needs. Who knows?!?!?!? I love you Dad!

Hey Mom! How are you doing? I hear you're sick! Goodness woman, when are you just going to be better? !?!?! That's great you are going to spend some time with Nikki, Butch, and Josh. Give all three of them a HUGE hug from cousin Russell! Tell them I love them. There are so many times when I meet someone here, that reminds me of them. Sometimes I find little Mexican Nikkis, or Butchs, or Joshs!
Is Aunt Midge doing better? What's going on with her? I hope she gets better? Has she seen a doctor? How's Uncle David? Are they holding up under the stress?
Mom, you are so awesome. I can't even begin to describe how much help you've been to me in my life. I'm sure Aunt Tracy and Aunt Midge and all of your siblings can't begin to describe how much help you've been in their lives. You are truly a life saver: small, round, and sweet! We're really just not seeing success, baptism-wise, here in La Mira. We work the best we can, we try to stay animated and excited, but it's just rough here. And it's blasted HOT!!!! But it's ALL good. Like you said, God's in charge! I love you so much. Thank you Mom.