
Hi Mom and Dad!!!
Thanks for the update on the family! I like to hear of all of them!
I haven't been getting e-mails from Jen or Dad. I got an e-mail from Dad today, but the past few times I haven't.
So when is little Marin gonna be born? Little max boy sounds like he's doing good. Is Alex there yet? Tell him I love him. Tell Emery congratulations on his new calling in the Elders Quorum. How big is Jen's belly?
How're the babies? Give a kiss to all of them when you see them.
Ashlee came to the house? That's great! How does China sound? How's she doing? I can't believe it's been two years since I graduated from High School!
We're doing okay here. I don't think Luis has the mind or the body to be baptized. He's pretty old. But I think we're gonna talk to him again to see if he has the desire. Isabel isn't willing to be baptized. We talked to her about priesthood authority to baptize, and she is concerned about it, but not willing to be baptized. She was going to ask her pastor where he got his authority. Her daughter, Nubia, also is just not willing to act, to make the decision to be baptized. Another investigator we had named Patricia was taking the lessons, but isn't going to church, so we decided to drop her. Another investigator named Sonia, wants to be baptized, but her mother has been telling her it is wrong to be baptized twice. We explained that baptisms of little children are wrong, and she understands that. She also understands the need for prophets and authority. She just doesn't have the will to get up and go to church and act. The family of nine that we found also fell. We talked with the mom and one of the daughters, and they both told us they would like to be baptized. Then came the husband and after listening to him, they decided they wouldn't like to be baptized. So many people here have been baptized here without gaining a testimony of Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon. And it's hard sometimes to get people to pray and ask God sincerely. There is a lack of focus here in Mexico. People are either really busy, or they're laying in their hammocks. But when they are being taught, I don't know why, they can't focus very well. Some read the pamphlets that we leave, but when they pray, you can tell they aren't praying with real intent. Some people accept baptism just because they want to be clean from their sins. To know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, you have to believe that he was a prophet first, right? If people don't believe in Joseph Smith as a prophet, they'll never know if he was a prophet. You won't receive any testimony until after the trial of your faith, and beliefs right? It just seems to me that 3 weeks is a really fast time to baptize someone, especially in such an unfocused atmosphere. But there are many stakes and wards here in Mexico with members that are willing to learn and work, and they were all baptized in three weeks. There is a HUGE theme here in Mexico that we are looking for the "chosen", or "escogidos". We are looking for people that are willing and ready to accept and believe in Joseph Smith as prophet and in the Book of Mormon and the Restored Gospel. Literally we are looking for people that will accept the message with an open, and focused, heart. I've talked to a bunch of recent converts and members that really just think like this: "Yeah, it could be that Jose Smith was a prophet. It's possible." But they really don't know. They really haven't believed. There's quite a problem here with men that don't allow their wives to choose. They don't let their wives to go to church or to be baptized. They're called "machistas". One of our investigators, named Jennifer, won't be baptized because her husband won't let her. So, we're workin' on it. It's HOT and humid!!!! But it's all good!
I really liked the e-mail that you sent me Dad. I really like to hear talks from Elder Hafen. I am glad you are getting to work so close with Elder LeSeuer. It is funny to see the picture of Elder Andersen in the Liahona!
I love you all! I did get the face wash and the notes from the family! I loved them all. Keep praying for La Mira! Russel