
Hey Mom! I'm still here in La Mira, in the state of Michoacan. It is HOT!! I sleep in garments without sheets without ANYTHING. The crazy thing is we only have one fan, so we stick it in between us hoping the air will reach us both. It's pretty funny actually! It really is hot here, but I love the experience. I will never complain about the heat in Arizona again probably. In Arizona it's dry, here it's about as hot as AZ but it is humid and we sweat a lot! Sometimes I actually just start laughing because it's so hot, but it's good for me. It's perfecting me little by little! Here there are a ton of mangoes and papaya, and a TON of coconut palm trees. There are a lot of other weird fruits that I've never seen in the U.S. There's a fruit called Ayaka. It's HUGE. They're bigger than basketballs, and filled with this fruity stuff that tastes pretty good.
It's weird to see the picture of Elder Wilford Andersen in the Liahona! That's awesome he has a new calling!
Yesterday was the last day to see President Gardner and Sister Gardner. You guys have to go out to dinner with them or something. Yesterday, President Gardner and Sister Gardner came to my area to help in the organization of the stake. La Mira is no longer a branch, it's a ward. We're still gonna have the services in a "house of prayer" they're called, but we're working on getting a chapel. Elder Octaviano Tenorio came from the Seventy to organize the stake. It was pretty cool. We brought a big investigator family and some other investigators. The big family we found, is a family of nine! There is the dad, Reymundo, the mom, Guadalupe, and the kids, Almadelia, Marisol, Esmeralda, Reymundo jr., Jose, Anna and Martin. We've only met the dad in passing, but we're going to talk with him more. Guadalupe and Marisol have accepted a date for their baptism. They have the desire to follow the Savior, but sometimes the husbands won't let them for one reason or another. They're "machistas", or exceedingly masculine and stubborn. They're really not that bad, you just have to gain their confidence. That's exactly what we're gonna do.
We found this little old guy named Luis. He's been sick for a while and so after we taught him we gave him a blessing. His neighbor came by to see what was going on, because he never lets people into his house. She came to "investigate". She is with a religion called the Evangelists, or something like that. She really liked the blessing. Then we visited HER house and found her daughter there. We taught her daughter and left a pamphlet. Luis and Isabel ended up going to the conference with us.
I did receive a new companion though. He is Elder Soriano, from Puebla, Mexico. He's a year older than me and likes to work, so I'm happy. We get along really well.
Really, the members of the ward here are awesome. They are all willing to work and do things and make things happen. We just need to gain their confidence and help them to get organized.
I know I can do miracles mom. Really, when I was in High School, I had such a good relationship with everyone: with God, with my fellowman, and with myself. I was so happy. When I went to BYU, I lost those relationships. Here on the mission I am rebuilding what I lost really. I really didn't realize what I had in High School. I was close to the Spirit. Here I am learning to do it all over again. I have learned that fear is a huge obstacle. But it's true, all we have to do is push out fearful thoughts and focus on the Savior and we have to trust in His power. My understanding is coming back. I feel much happier. I wish I could express all of my feelings over e-mail, but it's not possible.
I love President Gardner. He gave me a blessing in our last interview. He is such a great person and president. He has been faithful and has been a wonderful strength here in Mexico. Sister Gardner is awesome. She is always smiling and doing something to serve. I didn't realize that a member of the First Presidency interviews candidates to be mission presidents. President Faust had interviewed them both, also Elder Ballard!
So you are the stake Primary President? So you're not in the Relief Society anymore? How's that going? Who are your counselors? I tried using my credit card, and I don't remember the PIN. In fact, I don't ever remember using a pin with the credit card. But it asks for one here, so I'm not sure what to do to use it.
How is the family? How Jen doing pregnant? Did you guys have a little party for Max? How did that go?
Where's Daniel living? Is he working or studying or livin' the life or what? Alyssa's okay? How're the chilluns? How's Adam? What're you guys gonna do for her birthday!?!?!
I hear Sterling's doing so well! Gosh, I still can't believe he went on his mission and is already back! Mom, from what it sounds like in the e-mails, the mission changed him. Is that what you've seen? How's he doing?
How're you dad? Man, I wish dad were my companion for like a week, just to see how he does things.
I'm doing well! I'm not going to say the mission has been easy. But it is very worth it.
I love you all. Thanks for your examples and love and support! Russell