
Hi everyone! The mission is going well. Here in Mexico I'm livin' the good life eating tacos, and working hard. I love Mexico! I have seen so many little miracles here on the mission. About two weeks ago one of our investigators payer her tithing. She wasn't baptized and didn't have any money. But she had faith, and payed her tithing! A little old lady named Fransisca has a fear of water, but conquered it and was baptized yesterday! Another person named Anestacio stopped drinking completely in three weeks and is now passing and blessing the sacrament each week. A Catholic lady named Petra who said she didn't want anything to do with the Mormon church was baptized three weeks later. I'm walking on sacred ground. The people here are ready for the gospel, and are willing to to live it. I've eaten some weird stuff. This past week, I ate little bugs called Chumiles. They were alive, crawling all over my beans. I also are grasshoppers. They actually really don't taste that bad. When I was on the coast in Michoacan, I ate iguana, sea turtle, sea turtle eggs, cow stomach soup, pig foot, chicken foot, and the weirdest was armadillo. We were at a sisters house, when all of the sudden she pulls out this armadillo our of her freezer. It was funny.
I have been all over the mission, from one end to the other. I started out in Chilpancingo, Guerrero. They they sent me to Jojutla, Morelos, then to La Mira, Michoacan, and now I'm in Tepalcingo, Morelos. La Mira has been the most callenging area, but I am grateful for the experience.
The mission has been the hardest thing I've ever done, but I am so grateful that I am serving the Lord. I have learned to overcome fears, doubts and insecurities. This experience will help me for the rest of my life. The only thing I haven't liked from Mexico is the beans, that magical fruit. We eat so many beans!!!! Sometimes my stomach can't handle it all!!!
I love you all and hope that everything is going really well in the missions that you are serving in.
Hast Luego! Russell