
Hey Mom and Dad! I didn't get any emails from you guys. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the program or what. This week went really well. The work is progressing well here in Tepalcingo. We are going to have an activity on Sunday. We're gonna watch the Joseph Smith movie that's about an hour and a half long. We're gonna invite a bunch of people.
Our branch president is so great! He wants to work and has a lot of ideas. He's really willing to help in the missionary work part too. It's such a difference form other areas where the Bishop doesn't want to do anything. Yesterday we had a baptism of a woman named Fransisca. She has a fear of water. I baptized her. We descended into the water pretty slowly, and a few times I thought she was going to back out! But she conquered her fears and was baptized.
Out little branch is growing and everyone is excited. We're having a lot of activities. I'm excited for Christmas. We want to have a nativity and a dinner. It's gonna be really good.
I'm going well. Life is good. There are changes on Sunday. Elder Anderson might go, but I'm not sure. I hope everything is going very well at home. Happy Thanksgiving!
I love you all, Russell