Hey Mom and Dad! This week has gone by well. It was kind of difficult because we had zone conference, and we had to go clean a house in a different area. The missionaries aren't there anymore. There haven't been baptisms for a really long time, and the branch is sort of dysfunctional. President Spannaus decided it was better to close the area. So we went and cleaned and took out all of the stuff. Two brothers came to help us. They are so awesome. One is named Pablo and his son Ruben. Pablo has had a rough life. He was abusive to his family before and is still a little controlling. But I had a good talk with him today. He opened up a lot to me and talk me some of his problems. His wife, the other day, also came to me and started bawling because she has had so many problems in her family. So I have heard the story from both the wife and husband. I'm gonna try to help them and get them to go to the temple.
Mariana is still not baptized. We've been visiting her trying to help her get excited. She has problems with coffee, and she hasn't been very consistent in going to church. She didn't go yesterday. I am a little worried about her. She's also had a dysfunctional life. Her mom left her when she was eight years old with her grandma. She's never had a real family.
Sofia is doing well. She doesn't really have faith right now. She's told us openly that for her, she feels that God doesn't exist. But she was so receptive to our message, and Elder Anderson and I felt really good teaching her. Her daughter Norma is more receptive and is reading.
We've also been teaching a couple named Alejandro and Julia. They want to be closer to God. We've taught them the restoration and baptism. They were very receptive! They just work on Sundays. But after our lesson they started getting excited and were talking about changing their work. They're in the process of doing that.
There is a little boy named Fidel in our branch that is not baptized. His mom is inactive, but his grandma brings him to church. He really likes it! His mom finally went to church on Sunday and I had the opportunity to give a talk. I talked about the restoration and the reality of the apostasy. Many people, and members included, say that every religion is the same and that it really doesn't matter where we go as long as we love God. What they don't realize is that they are really not happy. They don't understand that there is something better than what they already have.
Josefina is doing really well. She got baptized about a month ago. She is excited to work. She's looking for a way to contribute to the work. We are gonna take her to visit investigators.
I am doing well. President Spannaus is so great. I've been able to see Elder Workman a lot. If you don't remember who he is, he was my trainer. He's now the assistant to the president, so he comes to every zone conference. It was really good to see him and talk. I've also been able to see Elder Barnes and Elder Matthews from my district. They are so awesome! I'm in a great zone.
Sister Spannaus just had surgery done on her. She had something wrong with her intestines. She's an awesome person. President Spannaus came alone to the zone conference.
I have some new names for you to pray for:
Pablo Amaro, Yolanda Amaro, Ruben Amaro, Magdalena Amaro, Jaquelin Amaro, Josefina, Laura Cadenas Soto, Mariana Perez Bravo, Pedro Cedillo, Abel Tenango Tlizlalapa, Petra Tenango, Elia, Benito, Anestacia, and Andrea Spannaus.
I am doing well! I am happy! I have learned a lot about myself in these last few months! I hope that everyone is well, Love, Russell
P.S. If you see Adam Clarkson again tell the guy to write to me! I'd like to hear from his family!