
Hey Mom and Dad! I am doing really well. I'm sending you a picture of Laura, one the the people that we have baptized here. She is so awesome. She is the one that payed her tithing before her baptism, and she has no money.
How is everyone doing? I hope Thanksgiving went well. Actually, I ate a lot of tacos this past week so I didn't really miss Thanksgiving. The tacos here are so good! When you come down I'll take you to a good taco place.
This week went really well. We've been finding quite a few people that are generally interested, and have the desire to be baptized and be closer to God. It's been going really well.
Last night, we had a movie night in the branch. About 120 people came. It was a big success. We watched the Joseph Smith movie that is about an 1 1/2 long. They all like it and a bunch of them were crying. There were quite a few investigators.
I love the little branch we are in. The presidency is made up of return missionaries, and there are a lot of members willing to do their jobs. It's GREAT!
I've almost finished the Libro de Mormon. President Spannaus challenged us to read it all before Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, I'm so excited for it. We're gonna have some really good activities. I wasn't to organize a little choir and go caroling to the inactivies. It'll be great! We also want to have a dinner and nativity with the little primary kids.
The people here area really ready to hear the gospel. They are more humble and willing to act. It is such a difference from the coast!!! The people like to read here, they're more awake!
Everything is going well. Did you get the letter that I sent to Sister Barnwell? I sent one in the mail to you. That's great that you saw Aaron Johnson. He's a great guy! I'm glad that he is doing well. Jessie and Taylor should be getting home soon right? From the last letter I got, Tiffany Brown wants to serve a mission! That'll be great! Did you go the the receptions of Carmen and Sydney? How are they doing?
Thanks for everything. Actually, Elder Anderson also needs new shoes and asked his family for them They sent a pair that was way too big for him, so I'm using the, So for now, no worries about the shoes.
I love you! Tell everyone HI! Russell