
Hey Mom and Dad!
Como Estan? Just Kidding, I'm not going to write you in Espanol! Pues, tal vez Pap entiende un poco de lo que estoy escribiendo. Estas estudiando tu espanol toda via? Si quieres, puedes escribirme en Espanol.
I'm doing well. Mom, I did get your box. Thank you. Thanks for the pancake mix and the cookies.
You can send me some more shoes in the Christmas box. Just make sure their not huge boots or anything like that. And my foot size is 11 1/2 to 12. We're gonna receive packages in the middle of December. Send it as fast as you can! I'll write this week to Sister Barnwell. You're gonna have to use pictures from the last group. I have pictures, but I haven't made a C.D. yet.
Do you guys have any ideas of what we can do to excite the branch? What are some fun activities that we can do here? I've been suggesting a few ideas like Christmas caroling or a dance, or a movie night, but what do you guys thing? Now that there is a chapel, it is much easier to do things.
Sydney is getting married? How weird! Have you met her future husband? Carmen too? Sheesh! Make sure they're marrying good guys fir me!
This week was a little slower. We didn't find many people, but we're gonna work harder on that this week. A person named Mariana accepted a baptismal date for the 29th of this month. But she didn't go to church, so we are gonna see what happened.
I was so happy to see one of my old companions, Elder Lara. He's from Tijuana. He was with me in La Mira, and is an awesome elder. I just barely say him playing futbol. Also, I've seen here Elder Ence, my companion in the MTC and Elder Matthews, an elder from my district in the MTC. It's so good to see them!
The branch is getting organized. It's so relieving to see members of the church that are excited, that want to do so much!
Thanks for everything you've done. Ah, other weird things that I've eaten:Fried Grasshoppers and more little bugs called Chumiles. The grasshoppers are kinda weird. Man, I've eaten some weird stuff here!
Thanks Mom and Dad. I love you. Russell