
Hey Mom and Dad,
I love my new area. I've fallen in love with the people and the little town. It's a little town called Tepalcingo. The people here are good and calm people. They mostly work in the fields. They love to party. I was actually cold the first morning I slept here. I was so happy.
I miss La Mira, but really not that much. It was a good learning experience. I feel really good about the people here and the members. They are all willing to do good things, and work. They just barely built a new and beautiful chapel here in Tepalcingo. I really like the sacrament meeting. Our Branch President is awesome. He's a tiny little guy. He has to use a little stool to talk in Sacrament Meeting. He's a return missionary and loves the work and the church. His testimony is very strong.
My companion is Elder Anderson. He is great! I am so blessed to be in this area with this companion.
Yesterday, a sister that was baptized the Sunday I left La Mira, was confirmed. She's called Petra. She's so awesome. About three weeks ago the missionaries found her as a referral. She told the elders from the beginning that she was Catholic and she was NOT going to change religions. After three weeks she was baptized and is loving life in the church. She loves to bear her testimony and read the Book of Mormon. She is so great. Her husband Abel is going to get baptized soon. The only thing that keeps him from getting baptized is his femur bone, which he broke when he was run over by a taxi.
We've got other investigators in the process of conversion. One is named Laura. She's got a bunch of little kids. The elders found her and she wanted to be baptized. She is really humble and understands everything. She still hasn't accepted a baptismal date because her family is pressuring her to be baptise her little kids in the Catholic church. Another sister called Rosa is going to be baptized. She was also a referral. The members here are so wonderful. I feel so happy to be here! There have been so many miracles going on here in Tepalcingo.
The weather is awesome. We are actually really close to the state of Puebla. My companion in La Mira, Elder Soriano, is from Puebla and his house is just on the other side of the volcano that I can see from my house! The volcano is still active and erupts about every December. I hope I get to see it erupt. It's name is Popocat Petl. The original language of the Aztecs, Nahuatl, is still spoken today in some parts. There are allot of different words and names still used in the everyday Spanish dialogue here in Mexico. In this language there are allot of T's and L's put together. Popocat Petl, Xochitl, Nahatl, Tlaquiltenango, Tlalitizap.
I and content and at peace. I am doing so much better here. Heavenly Father has heard and answered my prayers through the inspiration of my mission President. He is an awesome President. I feel so good to be back in Morelos. I love the state of Morelos.
I still haven't gotten you package, but it's okay, I'll live. There's actually a Wal-Mart in a city called Cuautla about and hour and a half from Tepalcingo.
I have learned allot in the mission. I have to say the mission has been the hardest thing I have ever done. It has been really hard! But it will all be worth it! I feel much more optimistic and happy. I feel happier and a little more calm. I feel like I can control myself a little bit better.
I love you all! Thanks for all that you have done!