
Hey Dad! How's it going? It was good to talk to you on Sunday! I'm doing fine. I've been transferred to the farthest away area in the mission. It's on the coast in the state of Michoacan. The area is called La Mira. I'm about 10 minutes away from the Pacific ocean in a car. Part of our area has a ton of coast and ocean. We went there the other day and pretty much contacted on the beach. A lot of people there live right on the coast. On the way to the ocean there are a ton of coconut palms and banana trees. They grow a lot of mango's too. There are a ton of mango orchards.
My new companion is Elder Lara, from Tijuana. His trainer just left and I am his second companion. He's a good, short little elder that wants to work and do good things.
It is hot here. The humidity is what makes it worse. I sweat so much, and my pants and backpack have crystallized salt on them from the sweat. IT'S HOT!!! The people here are good. The branch here is tiny. There are probably about less than 20 adults that go to church here, and the majority of them are people that have just been baptized. But they are faithful and want to keep going. The inactivity problem here is HUGE. Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed because there are so many members but none of them go. I don't know what makes the difference. All we can do is invite I guess.
We've got some investigators here that are good and sincere people. One is named Yareli. She's got three kids and wants to be closer to God. The other is Armando. He reminds me so much of John Millet. A big tall guy but pretty quiet and reserved. He's stopped drinking and smoking and loves what we teach him.
How are you Dad? How is your new calling with Elder LeSueur? Has anyone else in the ward gotten their mission calls? Jason Hartman and Butch Bond all them should be getting close. Has Russell Cluff gone to the MTC yet?
How's grandma doing? Is she feeling better? How's Daniel doing? It was crazy to talk to Sterling in Spanish. It'll be fun to talk to him fluently when I get back. You need to learn Dad!
I'm doing good. It always is hard for me to change areas. I feel kind of overwhelmed because everything is different and I don't know anyone. I've always had a fear of change.
Thanks Dad for being a good example and a good father. Tell everyone hi for me! Russell