
Hey Jen!! How are you guys?? How´s life? I can´t believe little Max guy has four teeth already!!! Wow! And you guys are gonna find out what you´re having soon! That´s awesome. How´s Emery doin´? Is everything good in la familia? I´m doing really well. That is great that Sterling is working in the MTC! It is so weird to think he is one of those teachers! He said he was gonna go talk to my teachers that I had in the MTC. That´ll be cool.I´ve heard that the zone that I´m in is kind of a hard one. But we´re working and finding people, little by little it´s going to grow. We had a baptism of a couple yesterday. They´re names are Benito and Elia. Both really sincere kind people.Bringing the gospel to Mexico is like pouring Clorox into a septic tank. It´s so dirty here and there is so much crap that comes from centuries of Catholic tradition and sin and just worldliness. The gospel is simple and clean and a lot of people are hardened spiritually and they don´t recognize that what they´re being taught is better.This next Sunday we have a baptism of a young mother named Yuliana. Her husband has been abusive physically in the past, but isn´t anymore. He´s still vocally abusive, and she doesn´t talk very kindly to her children, but we´re gonna work on that. We haven´t met her husband yet because he works a ton, but eventually hopefully we´ll meet him. Her son, Julio, is going to be baptized also. He´s eight years old. Her kids are so cute. I´m gonna send some more photos sometime.Yep, we´re doin´ good! How´s life for you guys? Thanks for being the best sister ever Jen! Sen my love to all you know! Tell Emery ¨hey¨ for me! And give Maxamillion a hug from Unkie Russ!Russell