
Hey I just barely set up my account on myldsmail.net. I got your post card and Dad's Italy card. Isn't it cool there's going to be a temple in Rome?! President Monson looked really excited when he announced the new temples.We'll have to go to Italy when I get back ok? Well the MTC is a crazy place. It's a good place though. Alot of really good people who are willing to bend over backwards for you. I am doing my laundry right now! It's kind of crazy in here. Well how did you like conference? My favorite session was the first. I loved Neil A. Anderson's talk, and also President Uchtdorf's on hope. I really felt as if those two talks were a direct answer to my prayers. I actually wrote a note to myself in my notes saying that if these talks weren't an answer to prayer, then nothing is. They were so perfect for some of the troubles that I've had the past while and here. The Espanol is coming along pretty well. It's really not that bad. It is true though that you learn more in the first three days than you ever do in High School or Junior High. I have learned to testify, ask questions about family and interests, past-tense, future tense, and someother crazy stuff. I need to study that stuff more. Being able to sing in Priesthood was so cool! The choir place really isn't that big! It looks huge on T.V. but I thought it was relatively small. Wow, that organ is LOUD. I could barely hear myself sing! It was coold to have Clay Christannsen play for us. That is definitely the closest I have ever been to the general authorities! I wasn't able to meet any of them, but they waved at us. Elder Scott came by and spoke to us for a little bit and just said hi. It is so funny to see them up close and see that they are real people. The first that I saw was Elder Holland. But by the end I had seen all of them pretty close. They were all talking and lauging and acting normal, as if it was a sacrament meeting. I hope you guys someday get the chance to sing in there with that organ! I touched the organ! That's myclaim to fame! Well, how's Sterling doing? I got a package from him, and from Jen. Thanks! It will be thoroughly enjoyed! Well, keep in touch! I hope youare all doing well, give all the little kids a hug for me and tell them I love them! Russell