
Hey Sterl,
What I would tell your convert, and all new members that have joined the church, is that she has to hold on to the iron rod. Have her read 1 Nephi 8. It is interesting that the people that were holding on to the rod with all of their lives and the people that were wandering about in confusion were covered by a mist of darkness. Many new converts feel so good after baptism and in the church, but when the mist of darkness comes, they seem to doubt a little. But we just have to remind them that it's okay. It is natural to doubt sometimes. We're not perfect, but we have to keep going/ If we keep holding onto the rod, even thought it seems like the mist of darkness is never going to end, we will leave the darkness and reach the fruit of the tree. The fruit for me, is happiness and peace. I assume that's what she wants, and what we all want.

Also, what I've been focusing on with the people here in Tepalcingo, is that faith is like a little seed, if planted it will grow. If we cultivate it, it grows, if we don't it will die. If we want to have greater faith, we can start little by little, having the surety that it will grow in time. I hope that she is okay. It's all part of the plan. These people can't be expected to be perfect!

I love you Sterl! Russ