Hey Mom and Dad! Life is still going well! We are working well and trying to find new people to teach. I had a special experience yesterday in church. A member of the ward that was baptized about three months ago, gave us a referral. He took us over to his dad's house and had us teach his sister. She is very receptive. She, her husband, and her daughter went to church yesterday and felt the spirit. After church, I gave them a tour of the chapel, and they liked it a lot. I showed them the baptismal font and explained why we need baptism and what it is. The sister, named Antonia, asked me what is needed to be baptized. I told her faith and repentance. She told me she would like to follow in this church. Basically, I was able to teach the gospel to the whole family in front of the baptismal font. Members were also there to bear testimony. It seemed to all go perfectly. They're going to get baptized.
There is another beautiful family that we are teaching. The dad is a punk sometimes. He doesn't want to get married. But he's just afraid of change, afraid of commitment. He's a good dad, and wants the best for his family, but he doesn't want to change too fast. So we're working with them. The mom's name is Concepcion and they have two daughters: Daniela and Alejandra. The girls love the church, as does Concepcion. The only thing that keeps them from getting baptized is their marriage.
Everyone is doing well, speaking of people that have been baptized recently. Laura Cadenas went to church after a 4 week period of inactivity. She and her baby boy have been sick. It's been rough for her.
Okay, so these are the people that I would like you guys to pray for:
Laura Cortex Bautista
Laura Cadenas Soto
Yamilet Cadenas Soto
Petra y Abel Tenango Zitlalapa
Marilu y Martin Coyote Reyes
I don't know if you need their names complete, with last names and everything, but these are a few people that need help.
New Years was good. We had an activity in the church, organized by the members, not by us. I sang "I know my father lives" but in Spanish. It was really good. We're doing well. There are things that are in my patriarchal blessing that are really coming to pass at this point in my mission. Heavenly Father has helped me a lot. He's given me understanding more than anything.
I am probably going to be here in Tepalcingo for like three or four more transfers, or 18 -24 weeks more. President Spannaus likes to leave us in the area a longer time. Elder Anderson has been here for 7 1/2 months. If you need anything from me, just tell me. I love you all so much! Russell